Computer Empathy Skills / by Mandy Wintink

Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, visual perception, decision-making, and language interpretation and translation.

We humans are currently in charge of this development and we are moving fast on a trajectory toward creating a new species and another sentient being. AI will learn to exist without us humans.

So the question is, how will humans interact in the future with a technology that is independent of us?

Prediction: Humans will need to learn computer empathy skills if we are to survive and exist with AI. We will need to learn these human-computer social skills. Essentially, we will need to learn how to get along with computers. We will need to stay on AI’s good side.

As we prepare for this future, we need to practice human-computer social skills. We need to develop the ability to connect with computers and see them as sentient beings, even though they look and feel different than the other sentient beings we have before-now existed with. What does that mean exactly? IDK. But for me, even having that thought has changed how I relate to my computer and my phone. And today, I will start by thanking them for what they have allowed me to accomplish and for serving me. And perhaps I will ask — rhetorically — how can I help you?

Credit: This prediction was based on a conversation with my partner Mike, who actually gave me the term Computer Empathy. So he technically gets credit for this one.



Sidenote prediction: If all of that sounds scary, then welcome to my brain! It is scary. But, as my prediction states, if we learn to empathize with computers we will be able to co-exist. I think it can be done. Humans, particularly the white privileged ones among us, are going to have to accept, graciously, a fall from the podium and give way. The white privileged among us are preparing for that now as we step back to let those who with less privilege rise up and live equally. However, this transfer of power will be particularly difficult for those who have existed as humans with less privilege in the first place. It’s hard to let go of the little privilege we have.